Seeing as September is coming to an end, I thought it was only fitting to feature some of my favourite things from this month. To kick this post off, I wanted to showcase two books that I have recently enjoyed reading. The first one on the left is called ‘Holding Up The Universe’ by Jennifer Niven and is totally unique in comparison to your average book. I’ll try to describe it without giving too much away, but it’s basically about this girl called Libby Strout, whose a slightly overweight student at a high school and a boy known as Jack Masselin who is too cool for school. They each have their own issues in life and struggle to open up to others. Then Jack meets Libby and their lives pretty much change forever. So boom, there you have it. Jennifer Niven is the same author who wrote the amazing book ‘All The Bright Places’ (I seriously recommend this book btw) which is similar in relation to the writing style. The next book is called ‘Eleanor & Park’ by Rainbow Rowell. Now, I haven’t actually read that much of this yet but it’s really good. It’s the classic there’s a new kid at school and she’s totally weird situation, however there’s much more to it that you’ll have to find out yourself. On the blurb of the novel, it actually recommends that it’s not suitable for younger audiences. Rainbow Rowell has written a few others such as ‘Attachments,’ ‘Carry On’ and ‘Fangirl’ which is a great story.


Now, I am by all means not saying that I’m good at it, only that I really enjoy it and that it’s super therapeutic. So, my watercolour obsession all started at the beginning of July this year, when we were doing a ‘seaside’ theme in Art class. I started out by grabbing the art room’s watercolour pallets, a few brushes and a pot of water and painted some blobs (to look like coral or seaweed). I then continued to use darker colours for shadowing or just for some dimension and… VOILA I made a sweet looking coral! Some examples of my coral are on the first image, but I just want to say, this wasn’t my best work. I believe the watercolours I use are by Micron. This pallet has so many lovely colours and they are extremely pigmented which is great. I love to experiment with the watercolours by using different colour combinations, blending the paint and coming up with designs.


The study planner on the left side has been on my desk for pretty much the entire year, but seeing as this is my first ‘favourites’ post, I decided to just throw it in the mix. On the left hand side, it has a large ‘To Do’ section where I like to list the homework or assignments that I need to do that weekend. The right side has several boxes such as ‘Top 3 Things For Today,’ ‘Today’s Classes,’ ‘Upcoming Assignments,’ ‘Don’t Forget’ and ‘Today’s Treats.’ This study planner is super effective during the hectic part of the school just because it’s really organised and helps me stay focused. My next obsession is my fake little Bullet Journal. September is the first month that I’ve done the Bullet Journal thing so I didn’t go out and buy the proper book for it. I will make an entire post about my September flip-through so I won’t go into too much detail about it but this little book has kept me quite organised and I really enjoy creating it.


I’m not going to say much about these because I pretty much mention them in every single post of mine, but what can I say? They’re SO good. I use them when I write different fonts, when I’m adding things in my art journal and when I fill out my Bullet Journal. So some other favourites of this month aren’t tangible so I don’t have images but I can list them off! A few YouTube channels that have tickled my fancy lately is ClevverTV, Mr Kate, Claudia Sulewski and Adeline Morin. So first off, ClevverTV have a wide range of videos that everyone will be entertained by. They have a numerous series on their channel however, Cheat Day, Beauty Break, Beauty Trippin’ and Get Jacked are definitely my favourites. The hosts on the shows are undeniably hilarious so I really recommend to go and watch them. The next channel is Mr Kate, which specifically looks at interior design and is right up my alley. Kate and her husband Joey have a great personality which makes the videos entertaining. Their crew and obviously themselves, create great videos that are incredibly inspiring for others. Claudia Sulewski is a classic lifestyle YouTuber but her personality makes her videos super unique. She manages to keep her videos rather short and snappy but it only makes you want more and more. Her vlogs, especially are my go to. The last channel is Adeline Morin. Her channel is similar to Claudia’s, in that she has such a bubbly personality that is highly contagious! She has an adorable puppy named Blue and has a spectacular apartment that has an interior actually designed by Mr Kate. I highly recommend watching Adeline’s vlogs too, if you want a smile on your face!

Ok, enough YouTube talk, moving on to some songs that really get me in a good mood. All of these songs are by Portugal. The Man and if you haven’t heard of this artist before, then man you are missing out. The genre is sort of Indie but it’s also Pop at the same time. So, the songs that I jam out to are Tidal Wave, Live In The Moment, Feel It Still and Rich Friends. They all have such a funky beat to them that I absolutely adore!